The Yemeni Corner (Rukn E Yemeni)
It is the southern corner angle of the holy ka bah. It is built on the foundation of. Prophet Ibrahim (peace be on him ) was built the Yemeni corner in . This is why the prophet (may the peace and blessings of allah be with him ) used to touch it as reported in the tradition of ibn umar (may allah be pleased with both of them )that he said I have not seen the prophet (may the peace and blessing of allah be on him )touching any part of the sacred house except the two Yemeni corners.
It is part of its merits that when one touches it his sins are wiped off. Ibn umar (may allah be pleased with both of them ) reported that the prophet (may the peace and blessing of allah be on him ) said: rubbing hands on the black stone and the Yemeni corner wipes off sins.